Who are we?

We are a group of Cheltenham residents who are concerned that there are radical plans afoot to fundamentally change the way that we, the citizens of Cheltenham, can move around freely and enjoy our lives. These plans are laid out within the Cheltenham 2030 Net-Zero Masterplan on the Council’s website, and we want to bring this to your attention. These plans are being brought in all over the UK and the public are not being consulted.

We have created this website to explore these issues and to fill the void of information that Cheltenham Borough Council are not sharing with you. The premise of reinventing the structure we know is based on Cheltenham Borough Council declaring a ‘climate emergency’ which would grant them unprecedented powers to govern over us, with fines and penalties if we don’t comply.

To be clear, all of us want to do our bit to help the environment and it is something we genuinely care about, however the Cheltenham 2030 Net Zero agenda is completely the wrong way to go about it. It is being forced upon us with no public debate, no scrutiny, no consultation and where many thousands of leading experts and scientists think very differently about climate change. As the famous old saying goes, “there are two sides to every story”, and our mission in creating this website is to help explore these topics with you.

Who are we?