CO2 – The Facts

We urge you to research the facts about CO2 and understand that it is vital for the survival of all life on earth, we need more of it, not less. We are at dangerously low levels of CO2 in the environment which could existentially threaten all life on earth.

1CO2 represents a paltry 0.04% of the earths’ atmosphere and at this level it is almost mathematically impossible to influence the temperature. Furthermore, of this 0.04%, only 4% comes from man-made CO2, the rest is natural.

2Plants need carbon dioxide for photosynthesis and in return give back oxygen which is required for all human life on earth. Without plants, human life dies.

3You and I are both made of carbon.

4There are no long-term studies to show that carbon dioxide causes climate change. In fact, it is the other way around, namely that carbon dioxide lags temperature change. When the oceans heat up (gradually, during a warming cycle), they produce more CO2. This is a good thing.

5Climate change models are built on assumptions that are put into computer-based modelling systems. The result of any computer model-based output is dependent on the inputs. Remember the SAGE COVID models from a few years ago or the Foot and Mouth models from 2001?

6People often present alarmist charts showing temperature rises since 1850. The last mini-ice age ended in 1850, so do you not think it is logical that temperatures would rise after this point?

To learn more about CO2 and climate we invite you to look at our resources page