
Please check out the following resources concerning man-made climate change. Feel free to share articles you may have on our X Page (formerly Twitter), @CheltVoice

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World Climate Declaration

"There is no climate emergency": signed by 1,500+ leading scientists from around the world.

Open website

CO2 Coalition

The definitive source that scientifically debunks every myth about man-made climate change.

Open website

Greenpeace co-founder, Dr. Patrick Moore: CO2 is 'good'

"The scientific method has not been applied in such a way as to prove that carbon dioxide is causing the Earth to warm… I am firmly of the belief that the future will show that this whole hysteria over climate change was a complete fabrication."

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Physicist Brian Catt

"We've been warming since 1850, why is that? Because that was the end of the last mini-ice age, the coldest it's been since the last 10,000 years".

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Geologist Professor Ian Plimer

"When we look back in time, there's one thing that we see, and that is that carbon dioxide has never driven climate change."

"We are dealing with absolute nonsense. And the nonsense is not based on the fundamentals of science."

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Climate Scientist Dr Murray Salby

"man-made CO2 does not drive climate change, CO2 levels lag temperature changes due to the warming of the ocean"

Open website

Channel 4 Documentary (2007)

"The Great Global Warming Swindle"

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Piers Corbyn

"man-made climate change does not exist, the sun drives temperature changes"

Open website

Amnesty International

"There is nothing green about EV’s. Child slave labour is being used to produce lithium batteries"

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Weather Reports Scare Tactics

Increasingly scary graphics on weather reports.

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More Weather reports...

The use of Land temperatures rather than air temperatures to raise the alarm.

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The Guardian Reports Arson

On Friday 28th July 2023 The Guardian Reported: Most fires in Greece were started ‘by human hand’, government says

Open website

Confused Reports

Every country is warming twice as fast as everywhere else.

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Remember Science?

CO2 is not a problem!

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Time Magazine

The confused science is highlighted by these headlines from Time magazine that took us from cooling to warming.

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Exaggerated weather reports...

What is the intention here other than to scare the public!

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Melting ice causing sea to rise debunked!

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We live in the coldest period of the last 10,000 years

"We live in the coldest period of the last 10,000 years" , says glaciologist, Jørgen Peder Steffensen who take us back in time to the Greenland ice cores and reveals the secrets from the past.

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