Sample Letter

I am writing in regard to Cheltenham Net Zero 2030. This is a policy which I was given no say on, and something which will negatively affect me and future generations to come. When taking decisions such as these, it is imperative that the general public are consulted, and no consideration was given to our views on this vitally important matter by Cheltenham Borough Council.

As public sector employees, it is written into your Constitution that the number one priority is “selflessness”, which means that holders of public office should act solely in terms of the public interest. I did not provide consent for Cheltenham 2030 Net Zero and a radical redesign of the town which we know and love today.

We all want to do our bit to help the environment, however I do not feel that Net Zero is the best way to go about it. Cheltenham Borough Council declared a “climate emergency” without consulting us and the science behind this is extremely questionable. Many thousands of world acclaimed scientists disagree with your view on climate change so at the very least there should have been a public discussion and debate.

Finally, there is nothing ‘Green’ or ‘Environmentally friendly’ about the Net Zero policy. Taking lithium and cobalt battery production as examples, the production process takes place in some of the poorest places in the world using child slave labour in the worse possible working conditions imaginable, with many children ending up contracting fatal lung conditions. Furthermore, these batteries cannot be reused and are extremely toxic for the environment once they are disposed of. This is not helping the planet.

I withdraw any implied consent for Cheltenham Net Zero 2030.