What Can I do?

Cheltenham Borough Council is not fit for purpose and is actively working against the people they are supposed to be serving. We want to create a new Cheltenham community based on peace, love, and respect for everyone. A community where everyone has an input into what they want, where people can freely express themselves, where children are safeguarded, and where family values are core to everything we do. Our actions now will determine the lives of future generations to come.

1Sign our pledge to stop Net Zero in Cheltenham which will impoverish everyone. Sign here...

2Send a letter to your councillor or MP (we have drafted a sample for you which you can edit).

3Put pressure on Cheltenham Borough Council and their subsidised organisations, Planet Cheltenham and Vision21, who are trying to garner public support for Net Zero. Your council tax is being used to fund this agenda.

4Come along to a Cheltenham Borough Council meeting, ask questions and make our public servants accountable. We will publish dates of meetings on this site.

5The Net Zero agenda is being taught at schools; we encourage those of you with children to engage with teachers as well as your children (see our section “CO2 the facts”).

6Support local businesses. The council are making it harder and harder for small businesses by levying higher business rates.

7Use cash as much as possible. Programmable Central Bank Digital Currencies (CBDC’s) are just around the corner and will enable centralised control of how and where you spend your money.

8Feel free to email us with any questions, we are here to help: [email protected] 

Finally, we are aiming to have in-person meetups in the future; it is important that we build a strong, resilient community that serve the needs of everyone.

Join Us. Together we are stronger. We can collectively build a much better Cheltenham