What Is Net Zero And What Does It Mean?

Net-Zero is a political ideology coming direct from the United Nations which is based on the premise that carbon emissions are somehow causing climate change and by reducing our carbon emissions we can save the planet. There is nothing ‘green’ or ‘environmentally friendly’ about this ideology and it will end up drastically reducing our quality of life unless we stand up and say no.

Read about CO2.

Net-Zero is based on bad science and yet more highly questionable ‘computer modelling’. This subject needs to be debated first as many experts disagree on the highly propagandized IPCC model on climate change; indeed, there are over 1500 world renowned scientists who have signed the World Climate Declaration to state that there is no emergency:


To be clear, we don’t deny that the climate changes over time, however this is natural and based around several factors, most notably that the distance which the earth orbits around the sun is not linear. The sun itself is the biggest cause of climate change and CO2 has absolutely nothing to do with this.

The real agenda behind the Net-Zero project is to tax and control you, reducing your ability to move around and to travel freely in your car. Getting rid of your diesel or petrol car is one of their biggest aims and we have pulled out some direct quotes from the Cheltenham 2030 Masterplan to illustrate this.

"Reduce the need to own and use a car by requiring that the location and design of new developments means they are demonstrably accessible by safe cycling, walking routes and good quality public transport and situated close to essential services"

(page 19)

"An estimated 70% of car journeys within Cheltenham are under 2km; many of these journeys could be made on foot or by bicycle. A modal shift to more active transport is needed to reduce emissions from privately owned vehicles. For those unable to make these journeys without a vehicle, public transport needs to become a more attractive option and fossil fuel consuming cars need to be phased out as soon as possible"

(Page 18)

"Reduce car use through measures available to the Borough such as promoting car-sharing schemes, supporting the continuation of the county e-scooter trial, introducing staff incentive schemes such as ‘Cycle to Work’ and reducing or removing direct car parking benefits"

(Page 19)

"Deliver a policy that will require all taxis to be electric, or another form of zero carbon as technology evolves, and support the provision of required infrastructure"

(Page 19)

"While acknowledging that the County Council is the lead transport authority, explore opportunities to introduce economic nudge mechanisms to help disincentivise car use"

(Page 16)

"Review our existing car parking strategy. We will continue to explore ways to ensure alternative travel options to car use are viable and seen to be more favourable than driving. Town centre parking charges will need to reflect this policy choice. Repurposing some car parking spaces (i.e. by creating urban gardens or for car share schemes) will be necessary to demonstrate the council’s ambition to remove priority for privately-owned vehicles and to amplify services and support for active travellers" (Page 19)

Source: https://www.cheltenham.gov.uk/pathway-to-net-zero